iTEAM participa en el proyecto europeo MATCHUP sobre Smart Cities

MAtchUP: MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies

The project has started on October 2017, is funded by the European Commision and aims at strengthening the planning processes for urban transformation, consolidating the benefits of deploying large scale demonstration projects of innovative technologies in the energy, mobility and ICT sectors.  iTEAM researchers from GTAC and COMM groups participate in the project, being prof. Alberto González the responsible for the Universitat Politècnica de València. The project has chosen the cities of Valencia, Dresden (Germany) and Antalya (Turkey) as demo sites.

Partners: Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Coordinator), Universitat Politècnica de València, ETRA, Witrac, TECNALIA, Technical University of Dresden, Fraunhofer, Universita Bocconi and more, including a total of 28 partners.

Project website: